From the start of the Space Race, Life began their coverage of the Space Race with the first initial step of the United States development of an artificial satellite. However, the Soviet Union responded first by launching Sputnik 1 into orbit. They closely kept track of every event including the successful satellite launch of the United States. Even though the Soviet Union was the first to succeed in sending a human into outer space, the United States took a huge leap when Apollo 11 landed on the Moon's surface.
With over a decade competing for supremacy in space exploration, the United States was the first to succeed to have humans walk on the Moon. Six years late, the United States and Soviet Union ended their competition with a joint mission into space.
You can read the pdf form of each article exploring the Space Race by clicking on their website. Please choose the year and month of the issue you wish to read, also you can choose by the cover.
During the late 1950s through the late 1960s, many magazines and newspapers covered the Space Race. They also documented the journey of Apollo 11 with astronauts Edwin Aldrin, Michael Collins, and of course Neil Armstrong on board. Unlike the New York Times, and other publications, Life and Time Magazine had a large focus on photojournalism to document the events that happened between 1957-1969 between the United States and Soviet Union.
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